Child Support Attorneys in Ogden, Utah
Every father and mother has a duty to support his or her child. Every child is presumed to be in need of support. The expenses incurred on behalf of a minor child or reasonable and necessary medical and dental expenses, and other necessitates are chargeable upon both parents. Also work related childcare is an expense that the parties share equally. In your initial consultation with our firm, if you know both parties’ incomes, we will calculate the anticipated child support obligation.
Child support is automatically adjusted or stops when a child becomes 18 years of age or graduates from high school during the child’s normal and expected year of graduation, whichever occurs later, or if the child dies, marries, becomes a member of the armed forces of the United States, or is emancipated.
Please see our modification page for information on child support modification.
Tax Exemptions of a minor child:
No presumption exists as to which parent should be awarded the right to claim a child as an exemption for federal and state income tax purposes. However, parties typically agree to alternate claiming the minor child so long as the non-custodial parent is current on his or her child support obligations and the person claiming the child will receive a tax benefit for doing so.